Step 9: Communicate Achievements
Make sure that progress is communicated effectively to a wide range of people in your organization. Change needs to take place not only on performance, but also the perception of performance. Be prepared to uncover more problems as you make progress. It is easier to document real progress with management tools like Janitorial Software or CMMS Software. In many cases, these tools can automatically notify key individuals of progress with minimum time consumption for your team.
Provide feedback when problems are hard to fix. Explain what you are doing and your plan for improvement. Provide timelines when calling for planned action.
Step 10: Celebrate Successes, Continue to Work on Failures
Celebrate when you have made true progress. Thank those who helped achieve milestones for their hard work.
Set up regular evaluation points to review achievements and summarize progress to remind yourself how much has been done and where you need to improve.
Continue working on areas that don’t show the expected improvements. If you have not achieved your goals within stated timelines, review the main reasons and determine if there is still a path for success. At this point, your commitment to this process should have been demonstrated, and it is likely that you will be given time to complete the improvement process.